How to find the optimal organizational structure for a business
One of the ongoing debates about business organization is whether companies should adopt unit or functional structures. How to find the optimal organizational structure for a business
One of the ongoing debates about business organization is whether companies should adopt unit or functional structures. How to find the optimal organizational structure for a business
Many companies have soared on the wings of radical ideas, from Polaroid’s instant camera to the sharing economy of firms like Airbnb. What the World’s Best Restaurant Knows About Keeping Its Creative Edge
After a year has passed it is customary to take stock: What were the major developments and how should they guide our thinking on managing our businesses more effectively? The Five Best Business Ideas of 2017
A trove of internal documents sheds light on the algorithms that Facebook’s censors use to differentiate between hate speech and legitimate political expression. Facebook’s Secret Censorship Rules Protect White Men from Hate Speech But Not Black Children
Companies that claim to be “transforming” seem to be everywhere. But when you look more deeply into whether those organizations are truly redefining what they are and what they do, stories of successful change efforts are exceptionally rare. In a study of S&P 500 and Global 500 firms, our team found that those leading the most successful transformations, creating new offerings and business models to push into new growth markets, share […]
Mark Zuckerberg now acknowledges the dangerous side of the social revolution he helped start. But is the most powerful tool for connection in human history capable of adapting to the world it created? Can Facebook Fix Its Own Worst Bug?
Contacto: Juan Carlos de la Peña. (333) 577-4777